←This logo uses the analogous colors of yellow, yellow-green, and green. I think the company chose those colors because the color green is often associated with things natural and earthy. This shows potential customers that their product is natural and environmentally safe.
This logo uses the analogous colors of red, red-violet, and violet. I think the company ↑
chose the colors they did because it makes you feel thirsty and want something refreshing.

This logo uses the complementary colors of blue and orange. Blue makes people feel secure↑ and relaxed while combining with orange makes it stand out.

This logo uses the cool colors of green, blue, and purple. Using these colors, the company↑
shows their reliable.

This logo uses the warm colors of yellow and red. The colors make you feel hungry and↑
satisfied while eating the chips.

This logo uses the color red. I think the company chose this color so it would stand out from other companies.↑

←This logos uses the triad colors of green, orange, and blue. Using these three colors gives the logo great contrast.
This logo uses the colors red, yellow, and blue. These colors make you feel hungry and give great contrast to the image.↑
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