My e9 experience this year has been great. I not only had the opportunity to work and meet with new people, but expanded my design skills as well. My favorite concept from this year was creating blog posts for each project so we could later reflect and see how we've grown throughout the year.
The Final Assignment
Our Final assignment to finish the year was to create our own product to present to a group of "sharks" similar to the hist show Shark Tank. It was a long process but was rewarding in the end. The group I worked with consisted of Malik Alexander, Miriam Elberti, and Drew Sappingfield and after much collaboration, we decided the Infinity Pack would be the best fit product for our team members to create.
The Product
The Infinity Pack is an all new twist on the everyday backpack. Our product is unique in the fact that it's able to carry almost anything and everything. All you have to do is think of any realistic object and it can be pulled from this bottomless pack. It's not only simple and easy to use, but it's a great resource for any student or adult in the workplace who carry backpacks on the daily.
The Process
The Infinity Pack was created over a 9 week period where we put in a lot of hard work. Together, our group decided it would be best to assign each member something to be working on. This could include an ad, animation, graphic, etc. We tried to assign members based on their interests and talents to make be best product of our ability. The first few weeks, we just experimented with different tools in Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere and then made improvements as we found them necessary. For example, our original animation was scrapped after we revised our company logo representing a more efficient company.
How it Went
After the first few weeks of working on this, I soon found my team had forgotten how to use a majority of the software learned throughout the original 3 quarter rotation and struggled with communication. It was a conflict for me at times to remain calm, as my team members struggled to meet deadlines and I was left to lead the team putting in extra time before of after school. I then started making to do lists for each of my team members in an attempt to get everyone involved and we started to get more accomplished. As these improvements were made, we also found our strengths. Our Group never has issues coming to a consensus and we were supportive of everyone's ideas.
What we Created
Throughout this project, we created a homepage banner, banner animation, advertisement, product packaging animation, tv commercial, created team member bios, other general info for our product. We used our class time efficiently, got everything completed by assigned due, and had a successful presentation with only 00a few technical glitches.
Final Products
Below are some of the final products from our originally designed Infinity Pack including screenshots from our website, our package design animation, and our TV commercial.

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