Vector Illustration
The main goal of this assignment was to use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator to turn an image into a vector. I used different layers for each section of my photo and worked with stroke and fill or different colors. It was one of the longest projects I worked on because there was so much detail and took be near 3 weeks to complete. One of the most helpful things I learned was to make shapes transparent when still arranging them so that you can see everything and nothing is over lapped. Overall, I'm pleased with the way it turned out. At the beginning I misjudged how long everything would take, so I was super detailed on the face and fingers but then started running out of time and couldn't add as much color variety and texture as I would have liked
When presented with this project, I'm going to lie, I wasn't thrilled. The only thing that interested my was getting the freedom to chose my own quotes. The process began by gathering quotes that either meant something to me or that I just liked. Then I seared for a variety of fonts and arranged them in Illustrator keeping in mind fonts, strokes, and serifs. First, I made them in black and white and then made copies and turned them into color. All four quotes I designed took about a week and a half and classmates inspired me to work with a different shapes and styles.
Personal Logos
This project was one of my favorites throughout second semester. I loved the creativity of getting to design something that was representative of me and having limited requirements. My color scheme doesn't really mean anything other than the fact that I just liked the colors. Also, I really tried to work with different shapes and styles along with stoke thicknesses and once again, the pen tool. Sketching out ideas took a day or two and the final logos Tok and few days to produce in Illustrator. Surprisingly, my favorite logo overall, wasn't much different than the one I designed freshman year.

As a second year eComm student, I really found what does and doesn't work for me. I've learned how to manage my time both inside and outside of school, and make connections outside of the classroom. There are so many people who work within the eComm stand that I just don't have classes with but have similar interests with. What I enjoyed most was working with new tools within the Adobe software and the overall environment of the program. The most valuable takeaway I have is realizing that patience is key, and it's okay to make mistakes.
As every person does, I also found much room for improvement. I could use my class time more wisely and take advantage of work times before schools, after school, and during Power50. Also, reaching out of my comfort zone and exploring new uses for tools and softwares could be beneficial for me. I've learned a lot these past 2 years, but there's so much more I want to do.
What I loved most about this graphic design class was the people.They were so encouraging and supportive of ideas. One goal I have for the next school year is to work on branding. I look forward to improving my skills and portfolio over the next two years of eComm and the rest of my graphic design career.
Personal Logos
This project was one of my favorites throughout second semester. I loved the creativity of getting to design something that was representative of me and having limited requirements. My color scheme doesn't really mean anything other than the fact that I just liked the colors. Also, I really tried to work with different shapes and styles along with stoke thicknesses and once again, the pen tool. Sketching out ideas took a day or two and the final logos Tok and few days to produce in Illustrator. Surprisingly, my favorite logo overall, wasn't much different than the one I designed freshman year.

Typically, I used all of my in class work days and rarely finished projects or assignments early. I did, however, work on a few projects outside of class to improve my skills. For example, I produced 5 logos for my church's annual barbecue competition. Additionally, I just worked in Illustrator at home and learned new tools after watching videos on YouTube and attended upperclassman events to get inspiration. After I finished each project, I tried to find ways I could improve for next time.
As every person does, I also found much room for improvement. I could use my class time more wisely and take advantage of work times before schools, after school, and during Power50. Also, reaching out of my comfort zone and exploring new uses for tools and softwares could be beneficial for me. I've learned a lot these past 2 years, but there's so much more I want to do.
What I loved most about this graphic design class was the people.They were so encouraging and supportive of ideas. One goal I have for the next school year is to work on branding. I look forward to improving my skills and portfolio over the next two years of eComm and the rest of my graphic design career.
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